Voice Self-Service for your growing business needs
Custom IVR application development and set up is simplified with our Service Creation Tool, Nimblevox Blast Build. The Nimblevox Blast Build simple online interface enables users to design, build, modify and deploy voice applications fast — no IT programmers needed.
Building custom VoiceXML/CCXML applications traditionally takes weeks for IT programmers to develop. With Nimblevox Blast’s Build drag and drop features, all the coding is written for you, significantly reducing application development time. We have taken the complicated and made it simple, saving you time and money.
One of the fastest IVR Systems on the market today, Nimblevox Blast Engine can handle up to 200 CPS, and up to 1400 channel capacity, allowing customers to require fewer ports to power their custom application.
Maintains strong support for external system integration for customer’s current / future business modules, various signaling gateways, and value-add partners.
Drag and Drop
Quickly create customer applications for a faster time to market. Menus, Call Control, and Conference Applications are just a few clicks away.
With Nimblevox Blast you can: