Maximize productivity with personalized, automated calling

Voice Self-Service for your growing business needs

Voice Announcement

The Voice Announcement API allows you to place a phone call and play message. It can be used to broadcast messages to customers, to do alerts for infrastructure, or as a reminder service for appointments.


apiKey Required The apiKey associates the API call with your account.
serviceId Required 5
phone Required The phone number to dial.
message Required The message to play to the caller.


Example CURL Command
Copy the command and replace with your {apiKey} and the required params.

curl -d "apiKey={apiKey}&serviceId=5&phone={phone}&message=This is nimblevox calling"

Example PHP Helper File

include "nimblevox.php";

$array = array (
    "apiKey" => "{apiKey}",
    "serviceId" => 5,
    "phone" => {phone},
    "message" => "This is nimblevox Calling");
echo json_encode(Nimblevox::startService($array));

