Voice Self-Service for your growing business needs
The SMS send API allows you to send text messages using a HTTP POST request.
apiKey | Required | The apiKey associates the API call with your account. |
destination | Required | The phone number to send the text message to. |
source | Required | The phone number where the message comes from. This must be a number assigned to your account. |
message | Required | The message to send. Limit of 160 characters. |
200 | OK | The message was successfully sent. |
400 | Bad Request | Source number [xxx] not recognized. |
401 | Unauthorized | API was not authorized. |
Example CURL Command
Copy the command and replace with your {apiKey} and the required params.
curl -d "apiKey={apiKey}&destination={phone-to-send-to}&source={phone-assigned-to-your-account}&message=Hello world, love nimblevox.com" https://api.nimblevox.com/sms/send
Example PHP Helper File
include "nimblevox.php"; $array = array ( "apiKey" => "{apiKey}", "destination" => "{phone-to-send-to}", "source" => "{phone-assigned-to-your-account}", // Your phone number "message" => "Hello world, love nimblevox.com"); echo json_encode(SMS::send($array));