Maximize productivity with personalized, automated calling

Voice Self-Service for your growing business needs

Retrieve Statistics

That statistic API allows you to retrieve statistics associated with your account.

Set header Accept = the expected response format – either application/xml or application/json

NOTE: Matching search criteria will only go back 31 days. A search can only be performed on one optional param at a time (application id, campaign id or number).


apiKey Required The apiKey associates the API call with your account.
applicationId Optional The application id to search for.
campaignId Optional The campaign id to search for.
number Optional The number to search for.
startDate Required The starting date/time for statistics to be returned. Format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.
endDate Required The ending date/time for statistics to be returned. Format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.


200 OK The message was successfully sent
400 Bad Request Query requires exactly one of the following search criteria to be provided: number, applicationId or campaignId
404 Not Found Invalid search criteria. Verify that user owns the application id, campaign id or number [xxxx].
500 Internal Server Error

Example CURL Command
Copy the command and replace with your {apiKey}, the required params and one of the optional params.

curl "{apiKey}&startDate=2012-10-31T00:00:00&endDate=2012-10-31T23:59:59&applicationId={application id}"
curl "{apiKey}&startDate=2012-10-31T00:00:00&endDate=2012-10-31T23:59:59&campaignId={campaign id}"
curl "{apiKey}&startDate=2012-10-31T00:00:00&endDate=2012-10-31T23:59:59&number={number}"

Example XML Response

   <statistic id='14491211'>
     <description>SMS API Send</description>

Example JSON Response

{"stats":[{"startTime":"2012-11-13T15:24:56","id":14491211, "host":"","source":"2246", "statId":"API.SMS.SEND.SUCCESS","description":"SMS API Send","value":"1.00","endTime":"2012-11-13T15:25:00","samples":1}]}

Response Field Definitions

Element Name Description
Statistic id The numeric id of the statistic retrieved.
statId The name of the stat.
description The description of the stat.
host The hostname associated with the stat.
source The Nimblevox Blast source ID associated with the stat.
value The value is the determined by the number of times the stat is pegged during the timespan for the statistic record.
total The total number of statistics retrieved.
samples The value within the aggregrated time period.
startTime The start date/time for the period you would like to see statistics retrieved.
endTime The end date/time for the period you would like to see statistics retrieved.
